Someone recently told me that I'm an extremist
It stopped me in my tracks!
What me an extremist? I literally laughed out loud!
But quietly I pondered on it for days…
I know I'm an all or nothing kind of girl
Either I'm in or out, no in betweens.
Also I do feel the need to stand up for what is right
Even if it goes against everyone’s norm
Even if it means standing alone
I believe that we are all created equally
And we all should be treat that way
So my response to her statement was:
It’s we extremists who change the world!
Denise Etienne
It stopped me in my tracks!
What me an extremist? I literally laughed out loud!
But quietly I pondered on it for days…
I know I'm an all or nothing kind of girl
Either I'm in or out, no in betweens.
Also I do feel the need to stand up for what is right
Even if it goes against everyone’s norm
Even if it means standing alone
I believe that we are all created equally
And we all should be treat that way
So my response to her statement was:
It’s we extremists who change the world!
Denise Etienne