Sunday, October 12, 2014

“Denise” according to the Urban dictionary

A Denise is without a doubt the most gorgeous girl in the universe. She will do anything for her friends. If you have a Denise as a friend, keep her, because losing her would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen. Denise's are the most amazing, fantastic, funny, and passionate girls ever. They are the best possible friend that you could ever ask for. Always willing to help you no matter what. If you are in need of anything, Denise is the one to call. No matter what. They tend to be very shy, just take time to talk to her and get to know her you are guaranteed to love this rare beauty. Her personality is like a diamond amongst rocks. Not only is she beautiful on the inside but also on the outside. She has stunning curves, beautiful big eyes, and shiny brown hair. She is the best girlfriend a guy could ever want. To date her is comparable to heaven on earth. She is always give, never take. She is not one to take advantage of you, although she is often taken for advantage. She is not the most outgoing person and guys tend to get bored of her after just a little while. They don’t give her a chance. Worst mistake ever. She is a Goddess in human form. Absolutely perfect in every way. If you find a Denise, latch on for dear life. She is a life-long friend. Never let her go. Love her till the end. She is guaranteed to always be full of surprises. Usually they are very passionate about animals and nature as well.

To have a Denise is to live happy.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

7 Lovely Logics

1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.
2. What others think of you is none of your business.
3. Time heals almost everything, give the time some time.
4. No one is the reason for your happiness except you yourself.
5. Don’t compare your life with others you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6. Stop thinking of too much, it’s alright not to know all the answers.
7. Smile you don’t own all the problems in the world

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Me the Extremist

Someone recently told me that I'm an extremist
It stopped me in my tracks!
What me an extremist? I literally laughed out loud!
But quietly I pondered on it for days…
I know I'm an all or nothing kind of girl
Either I'm in or out, no in betweens.
Also I do feel the need to stand up for what is right
Even if it goes against everyone’s norm
Even if it means standing alone
I believe that we are all created equally
And we all should be treat that way
So my response to her statement was:
It’s we extremists who change the world!

Denise Etienne

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chocolate Making

Some folks on the island were either enjoying themselves in the Carnival celebrations, or in camp, on the beach, by the river, where ever you were I hope you had fun. Perhaps next year I may play mas you never know…

So I was feeling a bit adventurous today and I attempted to make some Dark Chocolate from the Cocoa beans(after researching it on the web) boy that was a lot of work! I got some dried Cocoa beans from Ms. Mary, roasted them in the oven, my mom assisted me with peeling/shelling the beans which took a very long time. After we both got some water bladder on our fingers, I decided to eventually crack the beans with a rolling pin, this made shelling a whole lot easier. Then I needed to blow out the shells, I had no blow dryer, so let’s just say I got a bit light headed for a while, luckily my brother gave me some help, lol!  Afterwards we placed 30% white sugar blended it finely then added 70% crushed up Cocoa beans, the texture was very powdery for a while. We then placed the mixture in the chopper it took a long time for it to start forming a thick paste, I guess the best piece of equipment to use would have been a a coffee grinder. Then we needed to use a mortar/pestle, didn't have any so we had to improvise some more. For our first attempt in Chocolate making and not having the right equipment I must say we were impressed with the end product, it was still a bit grainy but the taste was nice if you like Dark Chocolate. We hope to get the right equipment and try this again. Attached are some photos to show off our first time in Chocolate making! 

Happy Carnival!

Roasted Cocoa beans

Shelled Cocoa nibs

Cocoa nibs and sugar in chopper 

Chocolate paste

End product Dark Chocolate

Monday, February 24, 2014


Wanting nothing, yet needing everything
Smiling outside whilst dying inside
Watching it all fall apart, while you hold it together
Knowing that you have to keep breathing

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Red Anartia Butterfly

I remember a time when this Red Anartia butterfly was commonly seen throughout the island. Locally it is known as the "Coolie" butterfly, males are bright red with white dots, while females are paler in color.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


          HappNew Year! 

  Peace & happiness to you and yours.