Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Naturalist Notes: Red-eared Slider

Red-eared Slider © Denise Etienne
Here are a few shots I took of the Red-eared Slider when I was last at the Emperor Valley Zoo. Their name is derived from the red skin around the ear region, and the fact that they are known to be extremely brisk creatures! They are fresh water turtles and excellent swimmers.

Red-eared Slider © Denise Etienne

These turtles are omnivores, some of their foods include; fruits, vegetables, fish, aquatic plants and insects.

As you can see they also enjoy basking in the sun!

© Denise Etienne

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Each ending is a beginning
A part of me dies with you
While the rest of me creeps onward
Trying to make myself whole
Once again